The GEOforCHILDREN Association has been established with the aim of helping unfortunate children, orphaned or abandoned by their parents who cannot take care of them. Nowadays too many children live in very difficult situations, deprived of that light-heartedness that every child should live.
There are many structures in the world that try to take care of these children, providing them with a safe shelter, medicines and, mainly, the love they do not receive from their parents. No matter how much commitment and dedication these structures demonstrate, often they don’t have enough resources to deal with all the childrena��s needs: sheets and linen, but also toys, school equipment and, most importantly, adequate medical treatment.
The GEOforCHILDREN Association aims to support these structures, not merely by wiring the money raised by members, but by supervising how this money is spent, dealing with the provision of what is necessary.
a�?A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stepa�?: this is the philosophy behind GEOforCHILDREN. We are aware that the issue of orphans a�� who often are afflicted of acute disease and therefore abandoned a�� is firstly a social problem that cannot be solved only with money but needs a real cultural change. Nevertheless, we cannot think that there is nothing we can do and just look the other way: every helped child, every saved life is a victory and represents a great incentive for us to do more and more. lankasex, furosemide 40 mg canadian pharmacy.