12 June 2014
After being introduced at MCE 2014, hosted by Geoclima (here is the news), the Association is now ready to take part to another event.
It is the 22° Suoncolora International Basketball Tournament organized by the sport association AIBI from Fogliano-Redipuglia (GO) and scheduled from the 5th to the 22nd of June. The Tournament will involve more than 1000 athletes from 10 to 18 years of age, coming from Italy and abroad and accompanied by coaches and parents: it is a great sporting event and a special occasion to introduce GEOforCHILDREN and its purpose and to raise money from anyone who would like to support the Association.
Photos and news from the event on our Twitter profile @GEOforCHILDREN.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.