24 June 2014
GEOforCHILDREN wants to say thank you to the sport association “AIBI” and to the organizers of the Suoncolora International Basketball Tournament, held in Fogliano-Redipuglia from the 5th to the 22nd of June, for the hospitality they gave us within this great event. It was an important occasion to introduce the Association and its purpose to help children in need.
The five MVPs of the youngest categories (Minibasket, Under 12 Boys, Under 12 Girls, Under 13 Boys and Under 13 Girls) received a t-shirt branded GEOforCHILDREN.
For the complete gallery with all the pictures from the Tournament you can visit the Facebook page Suoncolora International Basketball Tournament.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.