Arisha is a 18-month old Russian child who suffers from cerebral palsy (CP) and related movement disorders. To react to CP, it was very important for Arisha to undergo an intensive treatment in a specialized center in Czech Republic.
GEOforCHILDREN has taken care of the situation of this little girl and of her family and, thanks to the help of everyone who supports us, we have been able to cover the amount necessary to enable Arisha undergo the two-week treatment at the specialized center.
After the treatment, Natalia, Arina’s mother, informed us that the therapy went well and brought some benefits. Arisha can now sit down alone and can walk holding only one hand: this is a big success and we are all very happy about this!
Of course, the journey for Arisha will be long and she keeps on exercising at home after the treatment: we are glad to have walked a small part of this journey and will continue to follow her!
Some pictures of Arisha with mom Natalia