He is Aleksei, he is 16 years old and lives in Moscow, at the orphans’ institute “Mytishchi School of Musical Education”
He recently completed the 9 years of compulsory education and was admitted for the year 2018/2019 to the Moscow Regional Music College S. S. Prokofiev, specializing in Tuba.
He recently completed the 9 years of compulsory education and was admitted for the year 2018/2019 to the Moscow Regional Music College S. S. Prokofiev, specializing in Tuba.
Aleksei loves music and dreams of becoming a musician, he studies for this. The music teacher at school believes in him and in his talent, so much so that he continues to follow him even now that he started college.
GEOforCHILDREN believes a lot in him as well and that’s why we decided to support him. We will meet him on Wednesday, November 14 at 5.45 pm at the Council Hall of the Municipality of Ronchi dei Legionari. We invited him from Russia with his tutor Yulia to donate a special gift to him and to show him all our support.
Tchaikovsky used to say “flowers, music and children are the jewels of life“
GEOforCHILDREN believes a lot in him as well and that’s why we decided to support him. We will meet him on Wednesday, November 14 at 5.45 pm at the Council Hall of the Municipality of Ronchi dei Legionari. We invited him from Russia with his tutor Yulia to donate a special gift to him and to show him all our support.
Tchaikovsky used to say “flowers, music and children are the jewels of life“