After 5 stages, 700 km and more than 12000 of elevation gain the RIDE TO DOLOMITI project ended on Tuesday, August the 1st in Fiumicello.
The RIDE TO DOLOMITI project has involved 8 cyclists, who had departed on Friday, July the 28th: Paolo Ferraris, Gianluca Bagata, Arturo Giustina, Alessandro Ferraris, Fabio Tromba, Vincenzo Noschese, Alberto Aldighieri e Gianpiero Klancic – who rode only the first two stages. They all have in common not only a passion for cycling but also the desire of doing something good and help orphan boys and girls from Bukovski and Mytischi institutes in Moscow.
After stopping by Auronzo di Cadore, Bressanone, Corvara and Cortina d’Ampezzo, the team departed from Cortina on Tuesday morning and, after more than 200 km they arrived at 7.30 PM in Fiumicello, where there were many volunteers, friends and supporters waiting for them.
“It’s been an extraordinary experience. We reached our target and are very happy. Funds raised through sponsorships and donations will be entirely used to promote activities and projects in favour of orphan children in Russia” explained Mr Paolo Ferraris, President of GEOforCHILDREN. The aim of the project was to promote the “A door for life” initiative, which started last year with RIDE TO MOSCOW and which provides lessons and work experiences for orphan boys and girls in Russia.
“We have faced this long journey always with a smile..the same smile we hope and want to donate to the boys and girls in Russia we are supporting with the project “A door for life”” commented Gianluca Bagata, vice-president of GEOforCHILDREN.
Exhausted and really excited, all cyclists confirmed it had been a great, touching and challenging experience. The physical and mental effort was very high but the satisfaction at the arrival was much greater.
The evening continued with a party.
The money raised through sponsorships and donations will be used for the program “A door for Life”.