The really best known and respected sport organization “Russian Cycling Federation” (RCF) decided to support our international charitable cycle tour RIDE TO MOSCOW.
Press secretary of RCF explained us such decision: “Nowadays, RCF strives to support all cycle events in Russia, especially these that are related to children cycling sports. Moreover, RCF supports and organizes a lot of sports as well a tourist cycle events. We try to support all cases created by cycling enthusiasts, for example: cycle competitions, retro cycle tours, cycle parades, cycle festivals, etc. Also we support and participate in recording of films, commercials and video clips about bikes, cycle sport and cyclist. “The Long Way Home: Explore Russia with Nikolai&Sasha”, “Angry Boys CUP”, “Всероссийский Велофест КМВ 2016”, “URBAN FEST 2016: Свобода выражения!”, “Gran Fondo”, cycle marathon «Дети вне политики», cycle competitions «Мини Гран-При» – all of them are supported by RCF”. Also, the press secretary shared with us that RCF staff also would like to participate in “Ride to Moscow” cycle tour if only they have a chance to do it: “For sure, we would like to be a part of this wonderful and global sport event!”
We would like to say THANK YOU to RCF for their attention to our cycle tour and support of it!