Our projects for independence and self-reliance of children from Bykovski and Mytischi children houses go on.
After the “Steps” and “Home Alone” projects, GEOforCHILDREN is also supporting the “Cooking Alone” initiative.
The main task of this project is that boys and girls from the Bykovsky children house learn how to cook by themselves, to use basic kitchen appliances, to observe hygiene rules, to choose and buy products in stores, and at the same time competently manage money and plan the budget for a month. Classes are held four times a week. In addition, there are various competitions (boys compete with girls), as well as additional classes to prepare for the holidays. Such wonderful and very useful lessons in cooking are organized by Lyudmila Ivanovna, labor instructor in Bykovsky children house.
The goal of “Cooking Alone” project is to support children’s independence, starting with doing such housework as cooking, that is very necessary for teenagers in their lives outside the walls of the children house.
Here are some photos of the cooking lessons.