GEOforCHILDREN is founded on the values of equality and solidarity.
Driven by these values we act to help children around the world, mainly in Russia so far, but this does not prevent us to look around.
We think solidarity should exist also and first of all among non-profit organizations and volunteers, because people can be more useful if they act together.
Therefore, we are very happy to have had the opportunity to support the ANT Foundation, non-profit organization that operates in Italy and helps 4000 people every day.
ANT provides a valuable service to the community. We would like to express our deep gratitude and respect to all people working at ANT for their commitment in providing free assistance for cancer patients and their families.
One year ago we were given the opportunity to contribute to the purchase of an equipped vehicle for free transportation for cancer patients to be donated to the local ANT volunteers. The fundraising for this van started one year ago and involved many companies from our region. Giving our contribution was the least we could do. On the 16th of September we were present at the delivery of the vehicle to the ANT Foundation.